Integrated Use of Rule Learner and Rule Engine

Nowadays we are experiencing an interesting phenomenon: the more people talk about Generative AI, the more interest we see in the integration of Rule Engines and traditional Machine Learning tools such as It is especially important when our customers put these tools into the “Ever-Learning Loop” when the Rule Learner constantly learns new rules from the decisions produced by Rule Engine using previously discovered rules. You may use this simple cloud-based service to see how easy to learn rules from historical datasets. You will be able to discover classification rules based on your own labeled datasets without any downloads.

Solutions for Challenge “Soldier Payment Rules”

The DMCommunity’s Aug-2023 Challenge brought serious discussions at LinkedIn about the integrated use of SQL and Rule Engines. Instead of making generic statements about which technology is better, I prefer to answer this question for a concrete problem. My colleague Alex Mirtsyn has already provided a pure rules-based solution. As I was asked to provide a solution with OpenRules RuleDB, I extended Alex’s solution with access to a relational database directly from business rules. I will describe the resulting decision model in this post.  

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Sanity Checkers for AI-based Decisions

“When it comes to AI, expecting perfection is not only unrealistic, it’s dangerous.
Responsible practitioners of machine learning and  AI always make sure
that there’s a plan in place in case the system produces the wrong output.
It’s a must-have AI safety net that checks the output,
filters it, and determines what to do with it.”
Cassie Kozyrkov, Chief Decision Scientist, Google

“When we attempt to automate complex tasks and build complex systems, we should expect imperfect performance. This is true for traditional complex systems and it’s even more painfully true for AI systems,” – wrote Cassie Kozyrkov. “A good reminder for all spheres in life is to expect mistakes whenever a task is difficult, complicated, or taking place at scale. Humans make mistakes and so do machines.” 

Like many practitioners who applied different decision intelligence technologies to real-world applications, I can confirm the importance of this statement. I also can share how we dealt with the validation of automatically made decisions in different complex decision-making applications.

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Generative AI at DecisionCAMP

As the Chair of DecisionCAMP-2023, I published my notes from this major annual decision-management event. This year was dominated by the “huge elephant in our decision modeling kitchen”: Generative AI. Contrary to many other conferences that discuss this explosive technology in general, the Decision Management Community deals with very specific real-world problems and has a well-established standardized infrastructure for their practical solutions. So, we have good ideas where exactly to apply constantly advancing ChatGPT, LLMs, and other Generative AI tools.

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